Anuj Kaushal

Posts Categorized / Command

How to enable SSL for local domains

May 29, 2021 | Blog, Command, SSL | by anuj

So ever since google chrome starts highlighting the standard HTTP URL as Not Secure. Read More Since then HTTPS/SSL on every URL is become to new standard, which raises another problem for the developers like me that how to test my website on https locally and i don’t want to test/debug every SSL issue on […]

How to use “for” loop in one liner bash command

February 21, 2021 | Bash, Blog, Command | by anuj

There is always a need to running a command in the loop and it can be very useful if you don’t have to write a separate bash script to run command in loop.So here are some different ways to run loop in one liner command. Its very useful when you have to delete specific deployment […]

Shell script to deploy your code using SSH command

February 6, 2021 | Bash, Blog, Command, Hosting, Shell | by anuj

So we have awesome ways to deploy our latest code on cloud environments like Ansible, Puppet and there are also tools like Jenkins, Travis to make that more easy. But when it comes Shared hosting our options are very limited and most of the time you don’t have any option but to manually deploy the […]

Run this to reflect Magento 2 code changes

August 8, 2020 | Bash, Blog, Command, Magento | by anuj

So its very annoying when you change something in Magento 2 code and it change doesn’t reflect. As a practice i always run following commands to make sure magento is reflecting the latest code You can always enable developer mode but in my practice i want to rely on manual commands In case your website […]